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Humatrope® is a man-made form of injectable human growth hormone and was approved in 1987 to help children who are growing slowly because they do not make enough growth hormone on their own. Since then, Humatrope® has also been approved for the treatment of several additional growth disorders (idiopathic short stature, Turner syndrome, small for gestational age, SHOX deficiency) and for growth hormone deficiency in adults.

Lilly Humatrope Logo - Injectable HGH Solution for Growth Hormone Deficiency

Your Solution to Growth Hormone Deficiency

Humatrope® is available in cartridges and also in a HumatroPen® injection device and in vials for use with a syringe and needle. Injectable HGH from Humatrope® is one of the most popular on the market.

The dosage MUST be based on your age, weight, medical condition and response to treatment.

Comprehensive Benefits of Humatrope® for Optimal Growth

Humatrope® stimulates linear growth in pediatric patients who lack adequate normal endogenous growth hormone. In vitro, preclinical, and clinical testing have demonstrated that Humatrope® is therapeutically equivalent to human growth hormone of pituitary origin and achieves equivalent pharmacokinetic profiles in normal adults.

Humatrope® stimulates skeletal growth in pediatric patients with growth hormone deficiency. The measurable increase in body length after administration of either Humatrope® or human growth hormone of pituitary origin results from an effect on the growth plates of long bones. Concentrations of IGF–1, which may play a role in skeletal growth, are low in the serum of growth hormone–deficient pediatric patients but increase during treatment with Humatrope®.

Linear growth is facilitated in part by increased cellular protein synthesis. Nitrogen retention, as demonstrated by decreased urinary nitrogen excretion and serum urea nitrogen, follows the initiation of therapy with human growth hormone of pituitary origin. Treatment with Humatrope results in a similar decrease in serum urea nitrogen.

Pediatric patients with hypopituitarism sometimes experience fasting hypoglycemia that is improved by treatment with Humatrope. Large doses of human growth hormone may impair glucose tolerance. Untreated patients with Turner syndrome have an increased incidence of glucose intolerance.

In growth hormone–deficient patients, administration of human growth hormone of pituitary origin has resulted in lipid mobilization, reduction in body fat stores, and increased plasma fatty acids.

Retention of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus is induced by human growth hormone of pituitary origin. Serum concentrations of inorganic phosphate increased in patients with growth hormone deficiency after therapy with Humatrope® or human growth hormone of pituitary origin. Serum calcium is not significantly altered in patients treated with either human growth hormone of pituitary origin or Humatrope®.

Humatrope® 5mg | Pricing Per Vial

Qty Price Total
2 – 15 IU Vials $290 $580
4 – 15 IU Vials $275 $1,100
6 – 15 IU Vials $250 $1,500

HGH for Sale As low as $17.33 per IU!

Humatrope® 12mg | Pricing Per Vial

Qty Price Total
1 – 36 IU Vial $695 $695
3 – 36 IU Vials $650 $1,950

HGH for Sale As low as $18.05 per IU!

Customer Reviews

  • Dr. M. Cathon

    Thank you, HGH Sells! I have been ordering HGH for almost 2 years now...

    January 29, 2023
  • Irene Martin

    After trying all these energy drinks and supplements I had almost convinced myself...

    February 14, 2023
  • Mark Harris

    I've been taking HGH for 6 months now, I haven't changed my diet and I feel more energized than ever...

    March 15, 2023
  • Dr. Elizabeth Connors

    I've been treating my patients with Humatrope HGH for about 5 years now, it's the only drug I recommend...

    April 5, 2023
  • Trent Collins

    The fabulous service along with the knowledgeable and friendly staff I receive is what keeps me coming back to them.

    January 11, 2023

Trust the Best:
HGH from Novo Nordisk, Genotropin, Humatrope, and Saizen

Novo Nordisk Norditropin Flexpro Pen - Reliable HGH from US Company
Novo Nordisk Norditropin Flexpro Pen are convenient way to administer HGH from a US Company with over 80 years of experience.
Genotropin HGH Pen, MiniQuick Syringes, and Mixer - Versatile HGH Applicators
The GENOTROPIN Pen®, MiniQuick® premeasured disposable syringes, and Mixer® offer a wide range of HGH applicators.
Lilly Humatrope Pens - Effective Injectable HGH from Leading Pharmaceutical Company
Humatrope Pens by Lilly is the most effective injectable human growth hormone from the 10th largest pharmaceutical company in the world.
Saizen HGH with Easypod Electronic and Needle-free Applicators
Saizen is available in standard needle, easypod® electronic, and®2 needle-free subcutaneous applicators.

This notice is required by the Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic Act. Nothing contained in this website is intended to constitute professional advice for medical diagnosis or treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products mentioned or statements made are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Always consult your medical doctor before making any changes that may impact your health, such as your diet, dietary or nutritional supplements, drugs, or medicines, including applying or taking any hgh or hgh type products - especially if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, lactating, or have any other health conditions. Do not use any drugs, herbs or supplements, including hgh human growth hormone, releasers or precursors, without first consulting with your physician.
Some of the information on this site is from third parties, and while we personally consider it valid, you should research it yourself and form your own educated opinion. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The statements are for informational purposes only and it is not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. This web site is not associated with Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Serano Labs, or Novonordisk. People with health problems are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking any HGH hormone or other nutritional supplements.