There is alot of misinformation in the market while looking to buy Injectable HGH. Most people have done enough research to understand that Injectable human growth hormone is the only proven method of taking and kind of HGH. Then comes the big question, buy FDA approved HGH or roll the dice and get something from China or another copy-cat country.

There is too much information to explain the process of creating human growth hormone in one blog, so I will just give you a quick summary. HGH is a 191 aminio acid, single-chain polypeptide. It is produced by using recombinant DNA technology, it starts to get confusing after that!! There are 4 major pharmaceutical companies that produce Injectable HGH for North American clients that are FDA approved. Eli Lilly (Humatrope), Pfizer (Genotropin), Merck (Saizen) and Norditropin.

There are thousands of Asian companies that also manufacture Injectable human growth hormone for sale. Not one of them have been able to get FDA clearance. To purchase a drug that you are injecting into your body that does not have to perform up to a certain standard, is very risky. Here at we will only sell FDA approved Injectable HGH, and will not participate in trying to make a quick buck in selling a inferior, unproven product. The best HGH for Sale only at
fda approved hgh